DIFFERENT DIMENSION ACRES was purchased with the intent of connecting with spirit and oneself. To gain clarity on those questions so many have asked themselves, Why am I here, and what is my purpose. Spirit has shown up many times to assist with gaining insights, opening up awareness while bringing clarity to those who are open to receiving messages.
There are many ways spirit communicates to us. Here at DIFFERENT DIMENSION ACRES, you will be taught how to listen and become aware of how spirit communicates in order for you to understand and then utilize those communications in your everyday life. Once you learn and are aware of how spirit communicates to you, it does not stop here as you will then take those learnings with you. It is up to you at that point to continue to be aware of the communications being sent to you. We have found it is easiest to learn how to connect with nature as it is quiet with little or no distractions.
State your intent in the positive
Ask for the spirit to assist you gain clarity
Close your eyes, take a couple of deep breathes
Allow your mind and body to relax
Focus attention on body sensations you want clarity with
Allow your mind to open with no judgments
Ask spirit what I need to become aware of
Listen respectively
Be grateful
Thank spirit for communicating
State your intent in the positive
Ask spirit to show you the answer
Believe you will be shown
Be aware of your surrounds
Open your mind
Be aware of any object that caught your attention
Ask for message
Be grateful
Thank spirit for communicating
Become aware when your pet starts acting differently:
Meowing/barking for no apparent reason
Attempts to get your attention for no apparent reason
You feel yourself becoming irritated as you tell them to stop
Take a moment to sit down as you calm yourself
Focus or bring your awareness to your pet
Ask spirit what I need to know
Be grateful
Thank spirit for communicating