DIFFERENT DIMENSION ACRES was purchased with the intent of connecting with spirit and oneself. To gain clarity on those questions so many have asked themselves, why am I here, and what is my purpose? Spirit has shown up many times to assist with gaining insights, and opening awareness while bringing clarity to those who are open to receiving messages.
There are many ways spirit communicates to us. Here at DIFFERENT DIMENSION ACRES, Spirit has communicated through clouds, feelings, feathers, fires at the firepit, meditations, trading beads, physical objects appearing, and many different types of wildlife along with experiences that have given insights to situations. Which comes through in a metaphoric way.
Spirit speaks to all of us daily. It’s through inspired thoughts and feelings which prompt us to act upon an idea. This usually happens when we are in our flow. Like while bathing, taking a shower, walking, gardening, mowing the lawn, or working on a project. When our minds are in a state of ease.
Candles and numbers are all ways spirit reaches out to get our attention. It’s when we notice the flame on a candle jumping or swaying from one side to another or when are prompted to look at the time, noticing it is 11:11 or a certain sequence of numbers.
The more we become aware of the ways spirit communicates to us, the more communications we receive and with more clarity.