Different Dimensions Acres CabinDIFFERENT DIMENSION ACRES offer a safe place in the largest Pinion Pine Forest in the world. This setting allows a relaxing, safe and quiet atmosphere for Self-Discovery.

WHAT IS SELF-DISCOVERY: Self-discovery is exploring our thoughts, feeling, behaviors and beliefs. Some we may be aware of while others we may not.  It’s about looking at what is working in our lives and what we want more of.

We are all unique in our individuality. Everyone processes in their own unique way.  It’s about bettering ourselves wanting and receiving more uplifting feelings about us and those around us.  This can be done in a nonjudgmental way. Ultimately creating deeper connections with us and understanding others.

Using one simple word in a sentence will elicit you becoming aware of your current belief. Yes, it can be that easy!


The benefits will amaze you!  To know who you are at your core.  No more questioning yourself.  Knowing what your values are, what makes you feel good about yourself, and seeing past, current, and future situations and experiences from a higher perspective give you the power and a firm foundation to build a life that is inspiring and uplifting.   We attract people places and experiences which are simply teachers and mirrors of our thoughts and beliefs.  No more questioning why money isn’t flowing into your life or why you keep attracting certain types of people as what you attract will shift bringing you even more money and deeper connections in all areas of your life.

It’s about waking up each morning with hope and excitement for what the day will bring to you.  Embracing the beauty within all people things, experiences, and most of all yourself

The information and coaching I provide is intended to educate, inform, and inspire you on your personal journey. It is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional, nor is it intended as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you are under the care of any health professionals, I strongly encourage you to discuss modifications in your diet, lifestyle, exercise program, nutrition, or use of Hypnosis, & NLP, with them prior to making any changes, and never discontinue or reduce prescriptions medications without consulting your doctor or pharmacist.