This last week with the colder weather setting in both Bob and Seemore has returned to the cabin. Bob sat on the large tree stump meowing as I let Gracie outside. Well until Gracie heard him then he ran off. Seemore comes out in the morning as he uses the heat from the sun to warm himself.
A squirrel digs in the rocks collecting treasures as two smaller squirrels play with one another. What a delight to watch.
As I watched the squirrels I began to ponder the thought: why have the squirrels arrived and what is the message. Where they telling me I still need to gather more food, water or wood for the winter or to have more play time? I believe the message is all of the above.
I do need to make sure I have plenty of food, water and wood for the winter along with more play time.
As the seasons change so do the animals. As each night approaches the sounds I hear also change. At night the owls are out where in the daylight hours I hear more hawks, woodpeckers etc. I have noticed the woodpeckers are around more in early spring and late fall. What I truly enjoy about the woodpeckers is they will continue pecking as I stand underneath them. They do not seem as frightened by people as the other birds.
I didn’t see any moose this last summer where the summer prior I heard the moose nightly along with being chased once. The coyotes come out more with the full moon or shall I say I hear them howl more. With the full moon brings a whole different energy.
Love and Hugs
Mitakuye Oyasin
For the past couple of weeks I keep noticing the pictures I have hung on walls here at the cabin and I do believe it is time to lower them. The thought occurred I have always hung things on walls higher then most. One of my friends mentioned this to me years ago as well as I was informed the placement of your pictures can affect a person mentally from reaching goals. Sense I have been having the thought to lower them I now need to put action to the thought, which has been hard for some reason.
I had felt stuck! This kind of makes me laugh at myself when I look at it from a third party position so I will clarify. I have felt stuck to take action to lower them and along with the feeling of being stuck it has also affected other area’s where I was also stuck or felt stuck.
Weather is calling out for snow Wednesday and Thursday, thought I would go out and get a few more items done prior to winter. As I sit here and type this I realize the part that wants to go outside today is the part that didn’t want to take action. Interesting
Love and Hugs
Mitakuye Oyasin
This morning the word enough kept going through my thoughts. As I looked out the kitchen window I noticed Seemore was back as he soaked in the sun while sitting on the back of the storage unit.
A couple of hours later Seemore had Sissy’s attention. They had eye contact and Sissy’s tail was swaying from left to right. I decided to video Seemore as he strolled away with his left paw held close to his heart. I noticed he was injured last spring.
The message I received:
Similarities: he and I have both been injured physically. We keep going. We are strong, courageous and will survive! We have a life mission and we continue to be flexible while also being strong enough to withstand the winter elements living off grid and doing it solo.
Love and Hugs
Mitakuye Oyasin
With winter just around the corner and still have not installed rain gutters I found a way to keep ice off of dish. Last winter as the snow melted it dripped on the dish which made it so I could not use wifi. This year I have a head start on it. Lol
Someday I will have rain gutters which will drain into large water containers. It gives me more things to be thankful for.
Love and Hugs
Mitakuye Oyasin
As I begin to make hawk stick mine I begin with smudging it and what a better day then on a full moon. After smudging medicine stick I did a full body soul cleanse on me. I have to say each time I have done a soul cleanse on myself or with someone else major shifts have taken place and its easy and effortless.
As I connect with the medicine stick I discover it fits best in my left hand which surprised me as I am right handed. It brings balance and harmony within. I have also been writing each morning with my left hand as I ask my inner child what is it she needs to communicate. This has been an eye opener! I notice as I write with my left hand versus my right hand it’s like it is a different language or let’s say two different people writing.
Apparently spirit isn’t in the mood to share pictures today as I have attempted to send to email with no luck. Bet something better is coming my way!
Love and Hugs
Mitakuye Oyasin
This last weekend I was given a medicine stick and was named Hawk Medicine Woman. I am honored beyond words. I will spend this week connecting with the medicine stick as I prepare medicine bag, smudge it and make my own.
I met a wonderful soul by the name of Richard. I do not know if I will ever see him again. What I do know is he touched my heart and soul. I learned a lot from him as he taught me some of the language spoken by the Lakota. Mitakuye Oyasin Which means “WE ARE ALL RELATED”
I am so happy! No more going outside for water. Whippee! I can now gravity feed water from upstairs to downstairs. Someday I will have plumbing. It’s all in the timing. I haven’t had plumbing in three years now. I continue to heat bath water and water for dishes on the wood burning stove. I also use the wood burning stove to cook my meals. Last week a neighbor couple came over and we prepared ribs, steaks along with steaming potatoes for dinner and I have to say it was yummy!
I never realized how much water and food I wasted until I moved off grid. I now recycle the water I use by using left over bath and dish water to flush toilet. When I lived in the city I took a shower in the morning and a bath then a shower at night. I also eat differently now which is more health wise. It’s been fun to experiment with new foods. I do believe my taste buds have grown up. Lol
Love and Hugs
It’s a perfect day to collect cedar, sage and sweet grass for the winter soul cleanses offered here on the property. I gathered the sage and sweet grass as I already have cedar ready to go.
I laid the sage in the sun to dry out after the little snow storm that passed through this week. I also cut sweet grass and placed in a bin. Weather next week looks promising to be able to go out and get a few more items done before it becomes to cold outside.
If you would like to join in this collective soul cleanse simply set time aside on November 12th between 11 am and 1 pm or feel free to email me at and I will add you in spirit. Each month on the day of the full moon a free soul cleanse is offered to the public here on the property.
What is a soul cleanse? A soul cleanse is cleansing of ones soul. A fire is made of cedar, sage and sweet grass. These items have been used for years to clear negative energy from a person, a room, a home an office along with before and after a healing. Cedar and sage is used to release any negative or lower energy/vibrations and the sweet grass is then used to bring in positive energy/vibration.
Love and Hugs
As I became quiet this morning the thought of whole in my soul came through. I dismissed it and the next thought prompted me to visit my inner child.
I remembered a picture of myself as a little girl. My head was down, I was a little thick in the stomach and I wasn’t smiling, I was looking up though which to me shows the emotion of hope. Interesting as I looked at this picture I noticed I still ware these types of shirts at times, more so prior to moving to the cabin. I attempted to look into my eyes from the picture, I couldn’t see them. The feeling I did get was of darkness!
I am righted handed. I was prompted to write with my left hand which I believe accessed the younger me within as that younger me began to write. Here is what was written with my left hand.
(Inner child) Dear Shirley,
I feel defeated, unlovable, unwanted, not good enough, ugly, no self esteem/worth along with undeserving of mothers love.
(Adult me responding)
Shirley you are beautiful. You are unique, witty and funny. You have a magical presence to you. People find value in what you have to say and they love you for your kindness and pure loving heart. You are Gods messenger and your purpose here on earth is to teach others how to love, honor and respect themselves.
You are lovable and you love. It’s good to give and receive in a balanced manner. You are an inspiring person and through God’s will you will share his message leading people to access pure love. You are strong, courageous and uplifting to others as you teach, value, worth and self love.
Writing with my left hand I asked myself:
What does my inner child need to feel better?
She needs to feel loved and accepted. She wants to feel like she belongs or a feeling of connection. She wants to feel joy and happiness. She wants to laugh and play. She wants to jump up and down.
She wants to be free and enjoy life.
Love and Hugs
I never realized what a risk taker I was until I moved off grid. I had no clue what I was getting myself into. All I know is there was a force which I cannot explain that brought me to this beautiful land and each morning I give thanks to God and Mother earth for this opportunity.
I still do not know what the future holds with that being said I have a knowing all will be fine. There have been times I have questioned why I have moved here, isolating myself, at times feeling defeated and hopeless then I look back at what I have been able to accomplish sense moving here.
I have learned a lot about myself and I now understand others more. It has not been easy to own my part in past situations as at times I played the victim. Once I owned my part it has been freeing.
This last weekend as I spoke with a couple who comes up on the weekends and as I watched them I realized that not very many woman would choose to move up to the mountain by themselves to a cabin which had no heat, electricity and was full of mice and pack rats. Makes me laugh to think back at the first week I slept here as I heard the mice underneath my bed as I attempted to sleep. Now if it would have been snakes that would have been a different whole different story as I would not of slept with a snake in here. It has taken me a while to figure things out as I have gone by instinct as to how to survive out here.
The first winter before I had heat I lived in my snow gear even sleeping in them and on some days I simply stayed in bed all day just to keep from freezing. I know look back at how far I have come and I have to say I am a little ok a lot different then most. I know embrace my uniqueness. I still have more to let go of emotionally the important thing is I am getting there. Even on those days when I want to give up I continue to move forward knowing all is well.
This last summer I realized a lot. I realized that the fear I felt within myself was not assisting me grow emotionally. I went through a time where I was afraid to answer the phone, open mail or even go for a walk. I am still working on the fear of the phone and mail and that fear will soon pass as well. Why? Because I have the power to change what was once fear into a new perspective. This fear all began when the Harley hadn’t sold and money became tight.
I have faith this lack of finances was a lesson I needed to learn. It has taught me to be humble as I asked one of the neighbors for gas so that I could drive to work. Boy now that was a hard one on me as I hadn’t known how to ask for assistance prior to that. Pride held me back and pride was a wall I built as a young child. It was all about having to do things for others and the belief I created was it was noble to give. Now it’s about balance where giving and receiving is both needed.
I also always thought I had to do things or something in order to be accepted by God. A good example is: if I had a drink God would not support me. Ultimately it was I who had not accepted myself. I now know I have to do nothing in order to be accepted by God or myself. I am perfect just as I am and you are as well.
Love and Hugs